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Our law firm celebrates 15 Year Anniversary

31 March 2015
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It makes us proud to announce that Gencs Valters Law Firm, a full service law firm in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, has crossed another milestone. On March 9th, 2015 our firm celebrated 15 Year Anniversary. It was a great opportunity to look back at firm’s development through the years together with our friends, clients and cooperation partners.


What began as a small firm in 2000, Riga (Latvia) has risen up to stand tall amongst leading law offices in Baltics’ with 13 lawyers and tax consultants who specialize in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, evaluations, labour, intellectual property, immigration and litigation in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. The company has never stopped investing in its ability to fulfil its customers' needs and has expanded over years. In 2007 was established office in Tallinn (Estonia) and in 2008 in Vilnius (Lithuania). Since beginning of this year we offer legal services in Finland too.


In 2007 the firm became the member of Eurojuris, European association of independent law firms, with 5000 lawyers in 600 firms covering 650 different cities/locations in more than 50 European countries. Year after the firm became a member of the international independent law firm's association Multilaw, which now has over 8000 lawyers in more than 70 countries around the world. It allows us to provide integrated cross-border services.


Our intellectual property team are members in different IP associations: European Patent Institute (EPI), International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (ITMA), European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA), etc.


As a law firm with a team of professional lawyers Gencs Valters Law Firm has contributed to establishing a wide range of companies in all three jurisdictions, provided legal assistance for both local and international clients from Norway, USA, Sweden, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, etc.


For all achievements our team is grateful to friends, clients and cooperation partners who trusted in us to provide flawless service. We plan to continue ensure you nothing less than the best.



15 Year Anniversary presentation:

Legal assistance in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia


To access photos from our 15th Year Anniversary reception click here.

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